AIR GUARD Gátolja az airbourne vírusok okozta fenyegetést
Az AIR GUARD a növényi eredetű illóolajok egyedülálló és szabadalmaztatott keveréke,
amely erős aromamolekulákat tartalmaz, és jól ismert antibakteriális, vírusellenes,
antimikrobiális aktivitásukról ismert.
AIR GUARD Gátolja az airbourne vírusok okozta fenyegetést
Az AIR GUARD a növényi eredetű illóolajok egyedülálló és szabadalmaztatott keveréke,
amely erős aromamolekulákat tartalmaz, és jól ismert antibakteriális, vírusellenes,
antimikrobiális aktivitásukról ismert.


Our unique blend of proven antimicrobial essential oils combined with our slow release scent technology ensures our natural plant-based scent is released slowly & consistently to maximise effectiveness and gives excellent value for money. AIR GUARD is not just special but smells amazing as well.


The immune system is a highly complex system that contributes both to the maintenance of a healthy body and defence against harmful pathogens. Certain existing health factors and mental states can make it difficult for the immune system to be fully effective.  The specially selected combination of pure essential oils contained in the AIR Guard formula can both help support the body’s immune response as well as inhibiting viral growth and bacterial infection.

Since time immemorial people have used herbal medications to alleviate pain and cure different illnesses. Contemporary science has acknowledged their active action in helping improve symptoms or shorten the duration of respiratory infections. Herbs such as Thyme Rosemary & Peppermint have also been found to inhibit viral growth and fight off Bacterial infection. Lemon Eucalyptus oil known as PMD Rich Botanic Oil is known to have anti-viral properties and has been used as a barrier against the SARS 1 AIR. It is also currently being tested by the Ministry of Defence in the UK as protection for Covid 19. Andrographis paniculate oil is also a well-known medicinal plant used to cure viral infections such as dengue fever and chikungunya fever. It was used as an anti-viral therapy during the 2006.

How AIR GUARD works

Essential oils are volatile aromatic compounds that are fat soluble and liquid. Due in part to the volatility of essential oils, aromatic exposure i.e., via a diffuser is by far the most effective. Once diffused the essential oil formula is easily inhaled and then absorbed through the brain, respiratory tract and lungs and then circulated through the blood stream.

What this means, is in a very short space the scent from the diffuser can instantly make a difference to your physical and psychological health in addition to helping inhibit both bacterial growth and shorten the duration or impact of respiratory infections.