MOZZIE GUARD Környezetbarát módszer a levegő friss és szúnyogmentesen tartására
A MOZZI GUARD egy egyedülálló és szabadalmaztatott kettős hatású illóolaj
amely friss és szúnyogmentesen tartja környezetét.
MOZZIE GUARD Környezetbarát módszer a levegő friss és szúnyogmentesen tartására
A MOZZI GUARD egy egyedülálló és szabadalmaztatott kettős hatású illóolaj
amely friss és szúnyogmentesen tartja környezetét.


Our unique blend of proven 100% organic essential oils combined with our slow release scent technology ensures our natural plant-based scent is released slowly & consistently to maximise effectiveness and gives excellent value for money.Mozzie Guard is not just special but smells amazing as well.

100% Plant based organic blend of oils

Long lasting dual action effect

No skin contact required

Independently tested and recommended “very effective” by a leading entomologist

Environmentally friendly

Travel, portable or Pro diffuser options

Developed, tested and manufactured in Germany


Mosquitoes are a great threat to human health. According to the World Health Organisation Mosquitoes are one of the deadliest animals in the world. Their ability to carry and spread disease to humans causes millions of deaths every year. In 2015 malaria alone caused 438 000 deaths. More countries are reporting their first outbreaks of the disease. Zika, dengue, chikungunya, and yellow fever are all transmitted to humans by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. There are several different types of mosquitoes and some have the ability to carry many different diseases.

Fortunately, they have a weakness: they utilize their sense of smell to target a human host .Mozzie Guard helps target this weakness by releasing the Mozzi Guard scent to help block these senses helping to provide a fresh and Mosquito free environment by which you, your family and friends can enjoy a pleasant fresh scented existence without the nuisance and risks associated with Mosquitos.


As a business owner if your customers experience a high level of Mosquito activity then they are very likely to complain and request a refund or at least leave a negative review on social media. Both of which could result in both a tarnished reputation and a loss of future income. Also, as a business owner you have a duty of care to protect both your customers and staff as well as minimising any disruption to your business. Mosquitos in or close to your customer areas would prove very problematic and expensive to deal with. Simply positioning Mozzi Guard in those risk areas would both enhance the atmosphere and encourage the Mosquitos to go elsewhere. Any business can be affected clearly Mosquitos will impact your customers’ experience and enjoyment and therefore influence their behavior and decisions about future visits or purchases.


Mosquitos have a very highly developed sense of smell. Whilst you will find the scent from Mozzie Guard both fresh and natural the Mosquitos will not. Mozzi Guard uses this highly developed sense of smell to simply encourage the Mosquito from wanting to be in the same area as Mozzie Guard.

Over the last 10 years we have painstakingly developed a formula of natural ingredients and essential oils that produce an invigorating fragrance, that Mosquitos find very unpleasant. There are no special preparations, containers or electricity needed. Simply either open Mozzie Guard and place it on a surface close to where Mosquitos would be a nuisance or risk or alternatively deploy our new time release diffuser and the scent will be released immediately. The Mosquitos finely tuned sense of smell will detect it and encourage them to simply move away from the area unharmed to continue their food hunting expedition.

Our Formula

Our natural formula has been developed over a number of years and contains our own unique blend of carefully selected high quality plant ingredients chosen for both their scent and medicinal properties. The AIR Guard formula is available either as a travel resealable container or as an oil to be used in a diffuser or even as a refill for the travel.